I have a youthful voice. By the way, my name is Hailey.

Designer | Artist

🌱 As a vegetarian since birth and now embracing a vegan lifestyle, I am a value-driven designer with over a decade of experience in APAC and international markets, specialising in comprehensive visual communication strategies and cross-regional design project management for brands. I am passionate about fostering creative collaborations that drive positive change and create meaningful impact in the world.

・Enhancing brand presence through visual communication
・Comprehensive design solutions for B2C & B2B (digital & physical)
・Supporting brand entry & expansion into APAC markets
・Multilingual designs in 12+ languages
・Managing international projects with smooth remote workflows

Art & Illustration: 
Suminagashi Art, 2D Illustration, 2D Motion Illustration
Suminagashi Art Workshops, Team-Building Workshops

And more!

☕️ Please feel warmly invited to get in touch; I'd be happy to meet and discuss your project. 
Send me a message using the form below:
Thank you!
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